You will learn how to make small artisanal batches of delicious kraut and kimchee, chock full of probiotic gut-healing goodness, in your own home.
I will serve homemade winter squash soup for light supper while you savor and sample a culture plate featuring a variety of cultured edibles.
Indispensable neighbor Suzanne, a true baking luminary in my opinion, will be bringing over her homemade sourdough bread. This alone is worth the price of admission. Her bread rivals in texture, taste, and beauty any bread I have ever seen or experienced.
I will also include something very rare and special on the menu that you may have never encountered or even heard of before. Intrigued?
Homemade ferments of all sorts add a fillip of flavor and nutrient boost to every meal. They help stimulate heathy digestion, feed friendly gut-bacteria and are much less expensive than probiotics or krauts purchased from the store.
You don't have to be a fermentation geek (like me
) to enjoy this fun and informative gathering of like-minded folk.
Every ingredient is organic, and 100% guaranteed GMO-free.
Made With Love - Vegan Soup and Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Available -