Sunday, July 24, 2016

~ Why Local? ~

Deliciously Local

As many of you know I am totally about eating local.  I find great pleasure foraging for delicious food at the plethora of farmer's markets here in Southern California.  There is good food to be had at ALL times of the year.  Eating seasonally doesn't mean that you expect to be eating watermelon in January.  Eating seasonal means consciously choosing to eat and prepare foods that grow and thrive at that particular time of year.  It means living in rhythm and harmony with the environment around you.

Here in Southern California the seasons are subtle and yet each season brings its particular health challenges as well as opportunities to heal and strengthen.  One of the primary sources of support and vitality in each season of the year are the plants and foods that grown and thrive around you. Eating food that is grown in your own environment strengthens you to withstand the environmental stresses of your environment.  Knowing what to eat in each season and to prepare those foods is a simple way to strengthen and preserve health and prevent imbalances.

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