Thursday, February 3, 2011

Edible Flowers

Calendula begins to bloom in our garden in late winter.


Some of my favorite edible flowers are anise hyssop, arugula, basil, borage, calendula, chive blossoms, dandelion, dill, johnny-jump-up, lavender, mint, nasturtium, pansy, pea, rose, rosemary, and thyme blossoms.  These flowers add beauty and flavor to spring and summer salads.

I grow all of these flowers in grow boxes and pots.  Some of the herbs are known as perennials and they become permanent garden residents.  Some of the flowers are called annuals - but they are often so hardy that they will  re-seed themselves.  When an annual plant re-seeds itself -  it is an indication that the plant particularly thrives in the location you have planted it.

I seldom plant my garden in neat and tidy rows.  So it is a joy for me to see plants re-seed themselves and return again.  They often spread themselves out and mingle together luxuriously creating beautiful and surprising tapestries of color.  I like surprises and I find these mixed beds much more pleasing than a contrived and organized garden bed.

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