Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Sweets

Buttermilk Scones with Clotted Cream and Strawberry Jam

Carrisa phoned to give me a heads up on her Royal Wedding plans.  She made delicious looking buttermilk scones, homemade clotted cream and strawberry jam.  She served these with a delicious brunch of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a fresh organic fruit salad.

The recipe Carrisa used today is an adaptation of buttermilk biscuits from Sally Fallon's cookbook "Nourishing Traditions."  In case you are wondering Carrisa and I sprout or sour our grains to neutralize enzyme-inhibitors and anti-nutrient factors.  The soured and sprouted grains makes the nutrients in the grain more bio-available and it is because allergies and sensitivities to grains are becoming increasingly widespread.  People who are sensitive to grains often tolerate them better when they have been soaked, sprouted or fermented.  Grains prepared this way are beneficial for everybody - whether you think you are sensitive to grains or not - because they are easier to digest and more nutritious.

Buttermilk Scones

3 1/2 c. freshly ground spelt, kamut or whole wheat flour
1 c. buttermilk
4 T. melted butter
2 T. rapadura sugar
1 1/2 t. sea salt
2 t. baking soda
unbleached white flour

Mix the flour with buttermilk to form a thick dough.  Cover and leave in a warm place for 12 - 24 hours. Carrisa started her dough yesterday.  Place the dough in a food processor and process for several minutes to knead it.  Blend in the remaining ingredients.  Remove the dough and place on a well-floured pastry cloth or board and sprinkle with unbleached white flour to prevent any sticking.  Cut into biscuits with a glass and place on a buttered baking sheet.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 40 minutes.  Carrisa said that she found that 25 minutes was more like it.  So be sure to check frequently so that you don't over bake them.

Devonshire Cream (Clotted Cream)

Makes about 1 1/2 c.

5 - 6 oz. organic cream cheese
1 c. whipping cream
1 t. pure vanilla extract
2 T. sweetener
zest of lemon

If using cream cheese make certain it is room temperature.  Place all ingredients in a large bowl and beat until the mixture holds its shape and looks like softly whipped cream.  Use right away or cover and refrigerate until serving time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How To Make Delicious Raw Pecan Butter

Homemade Pecan Butter

When I visited Carrisa last October she gave me a spoonful of her homemade peanut butter.  I could not believe how rich and delicious it was!  It tastes so much better than commercial brands that I have been making homemade nut butter ever since.

Pecan butter is my current favorite.  I slather it on sourdough buckwheat pancakes, toasted sourdough bread, apple slices, and celery.  I also use pecan butter to make a healthy energy snack called "Earth Balls."

My recipe for pecan butter is inspired by a recipe found in Sally Fallon's "Nourishing Traditions."  


2 c. crispy nuts (recipe to follow)
3/4 c. coconut oil
1 T. raw honey
1 t. sea salt

Place nuts and sea salt in a food processor and grind into a fine powder.  Then add the coconut oil and the honey and process until the nut butter becomes smooth.  It will be in a liquid like state but it will harden up when it is chilled in the refrigerator.  Pour the nut butter liquid into an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator.

Almonds, peanuts, and cashews make good nut butter.


4 c. pecans or almonds or cashews or peanuts
2 t. sea salt (1 T. for almonds, cashews, or peanuts)
filtered water

Mix pecans, salt, and water in a large glass bowl and let sit in a warm place for 7 - 12 hours.  Drain in a colander.  Dehydrate for about 24 hours or until completely dry and crisp.  Store in an airtight container.

For those that do not have a dehydrator you can spread the pecans on a baking sheet and place in a warm oven at no more than 150 degrees for 12 - 24 hours.  If you use the oven remember to turn the nuts occasionally.