Friday, March 9, 2012

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Yesterday while gathering signatures for GMO labeling here in California someone recommended Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company.   I had already been investigating various seed companies in search of safe non-GMO seed sources for my summer garden.  I was delighted to be introduced to Baker Creek.  As soon as I arrived home I took a look at the Baker Creek Seed Company online catalog.

I found them on the internet at

As you all know I am a sucker for trying something new - especially if that something new has an interesting name or pedigree to go with it.  I promptly placed my first order with Baker Seed Company.

Galeux D Eysines
A warty, witty yet uniquely beautiful heirloom squash that hails from France.

Black Futsu
A rare Japanese squash with a flavor reminiscent of hazelnut.

Butternut Rogosa Violina Giola
An Italian butternut squash that has ribs and wrinkles.

Candy Roaster
This colorful Georgia favorite has pink banana-shaped fruit with a blue tip.

This rare Japanese Heirloom was popular in Japan during the Edo period.  (1603 - 1867)

Crookneck Squash
Ubiquitous crookneck squash is Dan's favorite summer vegetable.

Dragon Tongue Bush Bean
Incomparable flavor with purple streaks -what more could you ask for?

As you can see I decided to do variations on a theme of squash in the garden this year.  It will truly be an investigative experiment in squash, squash and more squash - with a dash of green beans on the side.

It is a good thing that winter squash and summer squash are vegetables that both Dan and I are extremely fond of.  In case of a glut of squash - that means that the rodents don't nip the blossoms off everything - the winter varieties will store very well for later use.

I will certainly be relying on the local farmer's markets to provide vegetable variety in my diet this summer.

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