Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to Make Simple Pressed Salad

Pressed Salad

I realize that I have mentioned pressed salad in any number of posts.  So this time I will include pictures and detailed instructions.

Pressed salad, delicious and refreshing, is a lovely compliment to just about every meal.  Vegetables can be pressed for a minimum of two hours and for upwards of two days.  The longer the vegetables are pressed the more they will resemble probiotic-rich pickled vegetables.  The shorter the vegetables are pressed the more they will resemble a vegetable salad.  The idea is to prepare a raw enzyme-rich salad that is easy to digest.

Sliced Organic Green Cabbage

Slice about 4 cups of green cabbage, napa cabbage, or purple cabbage.  You can add a few stronger greens such as collard greens, kale, or dandelion greens for variety.

Sliced Root Vegetables

Cut root vegetables such as red radish or daikon radish into thin slices.

Celery, Red Radish, And Carrot

Add a variety of your favorite garden vegetables for variety, color and flavor.

Combine Vegetables in Glass Bowl

Mix vegetables in a glass bowl with about 1/2 tsp. to 1 tsp. sea salt per 4 - 8 cups of vegetables.

Pound With Surigogi

Massage vegetables by hand or pound vegetables with a wooden surigogi for about 10 minutes.  The vegetables will begin to soften and become  juicy. The salt and the pounding, or massaging, helps to break down the cellulose in the vegetables.

Press with Weight

Press the vegetables by nesting another glass bowl on top of the salad and weight it with a bottle of water or vinegar.  Let the salad press for a minimum of 2 hours and upwards of two days.

Simple And Elegant Pressed Salad

Squeeze out the juice and serve pressed salad just as it is or with a squirt of fresh lemon juice, lime juice or rice vinegar.

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