Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Real Food Adventures

I teach cooking classes periodically throughout the year, offering a wide range of choices and food styles from cooked food to raw.  Since I am not a proponent of the one-size-fits-all dietary approach - you will find an eclectic assortment of classes to reflect my philosophy.

I try to be sensitive to the needs of class attendees and classes will often reflect their preferences and requests.  Sometimes classes reflect what I am currently interested in. 

The most popular classes, to date, here in southern California have been my vegetarian cooking classes and raw food classes.  That being said, you may have noted that I write about a wide variety of food topics and food styles – and I don’t limit myself to vegan, vegetarian or raw food exclusively.

So, least you, the reader, become confused - let me take a moment to clarify and explain myself. 

I am not a proponent of any one particular food style or philosophy, nor, do I encourage those who attend my classes to become devotees to any one food style.  My goal is to show class attendees how to use and explore a variety of food styles and encourage them to develop an aptitude and taste for REAL FOOD.  Allowing for individual differences and metabolic uniqueness there really is a wide range of possibility to explore within a Real Food Framework.   REAL FOOD - traditionally grown and raised - IS the ultimate food adventure!

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